New Project: Erosion intervention and waterway protection in the West Hume area

A program to assist landholders to protect waterways through changed land management practices including erosion prevention and early intervention.

Expressions of interest are being sought from landholders in the West Hume Landcare area to participate in a project aimed at improving waterway health by addressing erosion issues on private property.

Expressions of interest (EOI) open 5 April. Submit your EOI by Wednesday 26 April 2023. The final date for submission has been extended.

This project is a partnership between West Hume Landcare and Murray Local Land Services to protect waterways through changed land management practices which will reduce the impacts of sedimentation. Murray LLS and West Hume Landcare will work with landholders to develop erosion management plans, carry out on ground works and develop skills in prevention and early intervention. Erosion Management Plans will consider land capability, farm management, infrastructure, current management issues and natural assets such as creek lines and remnant vegetation.

For more information, visit the project webpage.


West Hume Landcare: Case study


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