Site preparation

Deep ripping and spraying - MARCH/APRIL the year of planting

Deep ripping is best done when the soil is dry enough to allow the soil profile to shatter and then settle before planting. For most soil types around the West Hume Landcare area, ripping can be done in the late summer just before planting. Where soils are heavier or more compacted it can be beneficial to deep rip 12 months ahead of planting.

As a guide to ripping, the following key points are worth considering to maximise the success of revegetation activities.

• Aim for a rip depth of 400mm minimum. This helps young roots access the deeper soil profile quickly.

• Space the rip lines 4-5 mts apart - the width of your site will determine the number of tree lines you will create. Most Landcare planting in the West Hume area aims for at least a 20mt wide corridor which allows for 4 mts between rip lines and 4 lines within the corridor (plants are then plated 5mts between each one). A 1 ha site (if completely clear) will have 2 km of deep ripping (this is based on 4mts between rip lines and 4 rip lines in a 20mt wide area). A few important things to note:

• If ripping on slopes consider following the contour OR lift the ripper regularly to minimize soil erosion.

• Avoid ripping under the drip lines of any existing trees to reduce root disturbance

• In quality remnant native grass patches avoid any disturbance (disturbance often invites in annual invasive and weedy plants)

• If the site has any drainage lines with in it aim to stay 5 mts from the edge of the drain and avoid ripping in wet patches.

• Make note of any underground infrastructure (Dial B4 you dig may be required)

• Avoid ripping within 5 mts of any other structures such as roads, tracks, exposed earthworks or overhead power lines.

• It is a good idea to drive a tractor tyer back over the rip line to help brake up any large clods that lift up or rip the line a second time in the opposite direction. This makes planting much easier for everyone, reduces air gaps and helps roots quickly make good contact with the soil.

PhotoS: (L) Janene Whitty photography (R) Lou Bull

Spraying and ground cover reduction before planting or direct seeding - APRIL/MAY/JUNE

Prior to planting reducing excessive ground cover biomass , perennial plants and woody weed will improve the chance of seedlings establishing strongly. This can be achieved by grazing, slashing/mowing or spraying 2-3 weeks ahead of planting. Planting lines may also be rotary hoed just ahead of planting to act as another weed removal activity. rotary hoeing will also making planting tube stock much easier.

For spraying seek appropriate advice from chemical suppliers. Generally, a knock down spray is all that is required and at least 2 weeks before planting.

Alternative options could be to scalp the top few centimeter’s off the planting line – do this with caution and consult your Landcare officer for advice.

It is best to only spray the rip lines that will be planted into. This reduces the excessive growth of the plants you don’t want.