
Squirrel Glider LAMP Project

Squirrel Gliders (Petaurus norfolcensis) are a mid-sized possum reliant on tree hollows for shelter and nesting. Habitat fragmentation has contributed to their decline in the Murray region and subsequent listing as a threatened species.

Large ​gaps between trees and patches of vegetation affect the movement of gliders across the landscape, interrupting their breeding and feeding activities.

Photo credit: Peter Merritt

The Burrumbuttock Squirrel Glider Local Area Management Plan (LAMP) aims to secure and protect viable populations of squirrel gliders in the Murray catchment through community action. The community of Burrumbuttock was chosen for a LAMP as it contains the an existing population of Squirrel gliders, significant habitat change had occurred in the area, there was a long history of the community undertaking works to benefit Squirrel gliders, and the community had identified Burrumbuttock as a priority site for conservation.

West Hume Landcare is a proud partner in The Squirrel Glider LAMP project along with Petaurus Education Group Inc., Murray Local Land Services, the Office of Environment and Heritage, Greater Hume Shire, Wirraminna Environmental Education Centre and Burrumbuttock landholders. The project is funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme and Catchment Action NSW. For more information regarding the project, please visit:



Indian Myna Project


Junior Landcare